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DUI Metrology Dictionary
See OIML D 1 OIML D 1:2012 (E)
2.7 What is the role of the government?
In setting up the national measurement system, governments should ensure that adequate transparency
exists such that all parties are able to make informed decisions.
3.2.4 Organization of the authorities Public administration and external bodies
It is recommended that, as a minimum, national government establishes and manages the national
metrology policy, and that it maintains an appropriate metrology infrastructure and also defines the
regulations and their enforcement.
Technical tasks may be carried out by specialized institutes or bodies which may be public or private.
Their operation should be monitored by and reported to the national government.
When delegating activities to private bodies, the public administration has to ensure that public
interests are protected. This means, for instance, that the private bodies perform these activities in a
transparent manner, without conflict of interest and equally accessible for all stakeholders, and that
these bodies are accountable to the public administration.
3.5 Transparency of metrological information
Element no. 14
Those responsible for publishing or transmitting measurement results to the public may be
required to provide justifications as to the relevance and reliability of these measurement results.
Individuals and other interested parties may have access to any measurement result issued on the
initiative of the government or transmitted to the government, and related to health, public safety,
environment and economics, as long as the communication of this information does not cause an
undue prejudice to an individual or to a company or other organization.
The government should provide the public with an independent and impartial source of advice about
the validity, credibility and reliability of metrological information. The national metrological
infrastructure, defined in 3.2.2, shall provide the expertise needed for this advice, and shall be
appropriately funded by the government to accomplish this.
Element no. 15
The national metrology institutes defined in Element no. 3 shall be a source of independent and
impartial expertise on questions related to the validity, credibility and reliability of metrological
information mentioned in Element no. 11.
Art. 7: Transparent availability of measurement results
Results should be available to legal bodies and individuals having a justified interest.
See Part 3.5, Elements nos. 14 and 15.
NRC web site at https://nrc.canada.ca/en/corporate/transparency
The Government of Canada is working hard to enhance the role of Parliament and the proactive disclosure of information so that Canadians are better able to hold Parliament, their Government, and public sector officials to account.
Excerpt from Report of the Motherisk Hair Analysis Independent Review pages 240-241:
"6. Recommendations for the Justice System
46. Commissioner Goudge’s recommendations arising from his review of forensic pathology apply with equal force to the science of forensic toxicology as it relates to hair tests. Of particular relevance are his many recommendations aimed at reducing the risks of an expert opinion being misunderstood: for example, his emphasis on the importance of forensic training, the careful use of terminology and plain language in opinion evidence, transparency, and clear communication of those areas where there are limitations on or controversy concerning the opinion."

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Essential DUIMetrology Concepts:
Calibration Interval and Mandatory Periodic Recalibration / Mandatory Periodic Verification
Traceability of a Measurement Result