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905-273-3322 or 1-877-273-3322
Allbiss Lawdata Ltd. offers the following free course for criminal law defence lawyers. Our objective is to help criminal defence lawyers better understand "quantitative analysis" as used in forensic science and as used by Parliament in defining criminal delicts such as 80 and above. Defence lawyers need help in building better cross-examinations of police officers and forensic scientists.
Course Outline for Free Course:

You will need to Log In and be approved for participation before any programs available for sign up will appear in this list. You must be a criminal defence lawyer or an expert in private practice who has contacted Stephen Biss to request an invitation.
1. Contact Stephen Biss at 905-273-3322 or by e-mail.
2. Ask to "Sign Up" at the "Log In" page above menu.
3. Stephen Biss will approve you as a Site Member and invite you to a specific program which will then be listed below.
4. Log In and see the available Program List below.
5. Choose the Program.
If you have already logged in, been approved, and no programs appear, please refresh your browser several times.
Free Course
All programs
Impaired Driving
Over 80
80 and Above
No available programs
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