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DUI Metrology Dictionary
Operator error (in the context of the Intoxilyzer)
This concept was a component of thing 1 under 258(1)(c) post Bill C-2 and prior to C-46. It was never completely litigated. I suggest it means failure to follow standard operating procedures, assuming SOPs exist. See R. v. Ocampo re standard operating procedures as recommendations only v. standard operating procedures as standards. Note the big differences in English and French usage of standards referred to in VIM 5.1(6.1) Note 8 - "standard" has two very different meanings in English, whereas: "Dans la science et la technologie, le mot anglais �standard� est utilis� avec au moins deux significations diff�rentes: celle de sp�cification, recommandation technique ou autre document normatif, et celle d'�talon (en anglais �measurement standard�)."
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