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Video 44
Toronto Lawyer Stephen Biss Explains Effects of RFI from Cell Phones - Range Exceeded
Subject with no alcohol blowing .700, i.e. beyond the range possible on the evidentiary test instrument. A "Range Exceeded" error message results. There was no RFI error message.
Mississauga Toronto Ontario lawyer Stephen R. Biss speaks about the effect of cell phones on the reliability of the evidentiary breath instruments used in Ontario Canada. Radio frequency interference from a transmitting Nokia 3500 cell phone causes an apparent blood alcohol concentration beyond 700 mg/100mls on an Intoxilyzer 5000 64 series product number 564 CA model similar to the Intoxilyzer 5000C used peviously by police in Ontario Canada. Police in Ontario now use the Intoxilyzer 8000C.
Intoxilyzer 5000 64 series CA model
RFI | Interferent | MouthAlcohol | Maintenance | Keyboard | Errors | Reliability | SourceCode |
Y | x | x | x | x | x | Y | x |