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Video 11
Limonene25 - High Cal. Checks - Limonene
Intoxilyzer 5000 in need of maintenance. 100 alcohol standard at 34 C. Prior exposure to mixture of room temperature 50 alcohol standard and GOJO containing limonene bubbled into breath tube during air blanks plus GOJO on hands near flask air entry. ACACA cal. checks now reading as high as 134 mg/100mls. GOJO/limonene has either contaminated sample chamber, tubing, simulator or 100 alcohol standard or instrument's interferent add/subtract circuitry has been affected. Quaere: does contamination of an instrument and accesory equipment by an ambient interferent necessitate a change to the alcohol standard? Is it therefore necessary that the police log and the Crown disclose every "INTERFERENT" error (cards and COBRA/ADAMS) since the last solution change and prior to the subject test so that the defence will have full notice that the alcohol standard may have been unreliable?
Intoxilyzer 5000 64 series CA model
RFI | Interferent | MouthAlcohol | Maintenance | Keyboard | Errors | Reliability | SourceCode |
Y | x | x |